

[Special Lecture] [KDIS] KDI School of Public Policy and Management December Monthly Webinars with the World Bank

  • GDIS

[KDI 국제정책대학원-세계은행12월례웨비나]

KDI국제정책대학원은 세계은행과 협력하여 저개발국과 개발도상국의 재정정책 및 지속가능한 성장을 위해 다양한 연구 사업과 교육훈련 사업을 수행하고 있습니다. 

1. 행사명: KDI대학원-세계은행 12월 월례 웨비나

2. 일시: 12월12일(목), 오전10시

3. 연사: Rishabh Choudhary (경제학자, 세계은행)

4. 주제: Taxing for Growth: Revisiting the 15 Percent Threshold + DRM Strategy

5. 운영방식: 온라인

6. 참여링크: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85129251015?pwd=PtOta9Tes9BiXaPVrDvkpexu9E9G2b.1 (Meeting ID: 851 2925 1015 | Passcode: 1234)

7. 진행언어: 영어

8. 비고: 필요 시 직무 교육 시간 으로 인정되며,  2025년도부터는 반기별 4회 이상 참석 완료 시 수료증 발급 예정

[KDI School of Public Policy and Management December Monthly Webinars with the World Bank]

The KDI School of Public Policy and Management, in collaboration with the World Bank, conducts various research and training programs to support fiscal policy and sustainable growth in underdeveloped and developing countries.

1. Event Title: KDI School December Monthly Webinars with the World Bank

2. Date: December 12, 2024 (Thurs) 10:00 AM

3. Speaker: Rishabh Choudhary (Economist, World Bank)

4. Topic: Taxing for Growth: Revisiting the 15 Percent Threshold + DRM Strategy

5. Format: Online

6. Participation Link https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85129251015?pwd=PtOta9Tes9BiXaPVrDvkpexu9E9G2b.1 (Meeting ID: 851 2925 1015 | Passcode: 1234)

7. Language: English

8. Note: Participation may be recognized as job training hours if needed. Starting from 2025, a certificate of completion will be issued for those who attend four or more sessions per half-year.